古人经商常云:“诚招天下客,誉从信中来。” 在现代社会中,诚信是企业生存发展的基石!
As an old saying goes, as we sincerely welcome customers from the world, reputation will come from our integrity. In the modern society, honesty is the cornerstone of a company's existence and development.
PMI has been awarded the title of "Guangdong Province Enterprise of Observing Contract and Valuing Credit" recently!
本次荣获“2019年度广东省守合同重信用企业”荣誉称号反映了银河galaxy娱乐游戏中心铝业拥有良好的企业经营效益和信用状况、健全合同管理体系;同时体现出我司“美好(MEI HAO)文化 Integrity-实事求是诚信经营”理念的贯彻落实;在今后经营工作中一如既往重约守信、依法经营,积极推动企业迈向新的高度。
PMI's winning the honor not only shows its good economic benefits, credit conditions, and contract management system, but also enhances the corporate credibility and relevant personal and corporate responsibility, and raises the level of credit management. PMI will run businesses honestly and by law, to push forward its further development.